
Teachers use "Google Classrooms" this year for instruction. Please have your student visit and sign in with an email to view content.

Elementary Principal

Kathryn Jones

Elementary Secretary

Briannah Kaneaster

Health Office

Penny Martin


Jennifer Hemmerling


Kamea DePanfilis

Kim Tinghitella

1st Grade

Christina Butler

Heidi Melfi

2nd Grade

Allie Loveall/Sierra Satathite

Shannon Williams

3rd Grade

Tracie Meyer

Nicholas Fong

4th Grade

Ted Dawson

Jana Dawson

5th/6th Grade

Cassandra Ball- History and Writing

Seth Zimmerman- Science

Amber DeFazio- Math

Krystal Godfrey-English and Language Arts

Elementary Special Education

Robert Haenfler

Trish Sandoval, SpEd Secretary

Title One

Mikaela Gist

Middle/High School Principal

Tom Finnerty

High School Secretary

Lindsay Jeans

7-8 Math

Mike Tinghitella

7-8 Science/HS Astronomy

JJ DePanfilis

7-9 English

Cyra Boughner

7-8, 10 History

Veronica Webb

HS Math

Andre Blake

HS Math and Athletic Director

George Diehl

HS History

Vince Gifford

HS Science

Pradip Misra

HS English

Jordan Hartley

HS Business

Vince Myers

HS Spanish/Drama

Jessica Welker

HS Online Classes

Amy Finnerty

MS/HS Special Education

Jennifer Bonner

MS/HS Culinary Arts

Brenda Bradford

MS/HS Industrial Tech/Woodshop

DJ Harris

HS Welding

Andrew Lamer

Specials Teachers


Lisa Pate


Lessa Oland


Randi Diskin


Dalton Mills